网友穿越火线玩家。评价说: 要是改一下就好了。有一些建议希望改一下就是广告一直显示广告准备中我也没办法观看我的孩子已尽4代目了我不希望他那样因为每一次他因为水脏了而死我是很心痛的而且我每次好不容易养大的鱼他总是会被攻击然后死了能不能出一个功能就是如果鱼被攻击了或者饿了 水太脏了能不能发信息给我们要不然有时候早上看着他然后又睡着了他就会因水脏而死或者被攻击而死和被饿死了我看不了广告复活他所以我只能选择把他送人我希望能改一下因为我每天都很忙要是有信息提示给我我看到了就好了
网友1846579评价说: 真的有感受到制作人员们在努力的提升游戏!。上一个星期看的时候有些地方的翻译还比较生硬,现在已经把教程部分的翻译都补上了,喂食的时候投入鱼缸里的鱼食也会根据喂的种类变换图案!制作组辛苦了❤️!
网友:-D。。。。。评价说: 非常不错的休闲游戏。鱼很可爱,虽然玩法上略显单调但作为休闲游戏很不错啦!而且开发者很听劝有问题反馈也会有改进。很值得尝试!
感谢您一直以来对 BasPi 研究的支持。
我们研究猫科动物的 299RC 正在研究猫的营养鱼类。
研究人员是一群猫科动物专家。 没有人知道如何养鱼......研究所认为,不可能像现在这样养这种虚无主义的鱼!
所以我们需要你们的帮助 我们希望您能帮助我们研究这种虚无主义的鱼BasPi。
在此期间,我们希望您能让这条 BasPi活下来,并代代相传。
在这个鱼缸里,有时会有神秘生物盯上 BasPi。 正常情况下,这种鱼应该身披盔甲,但这种BasPi毛茸茸的,不可靠。 我们准备了一些设备,以防万一。 你必须是成年人才能使用,但我希望这些装备能帮你度过难关。 感谢您的合作。
Our 299RC, which studies cats, was researching fish with high nutritional value for cats.
Our research revealed that ancient fish have abundant nutritional reserves that do not exist in modern fish.
However, no one has ever raised a fish, much less a fish with a nihilistic face that has no idea what it is thinking...
The researchers are a group of cat experts. No one knows how to raise a fish... The institute has decided that it is impossible to raise this nihilistic fish as it is!
So, we need your help. We need your help in researching this nihilistic fish "BasPi".
Right now, we can only provide a simple tank, common fish food, and an environment like that... As our research progresses, we will be able to add more equipment.
Until then, please keep this "BasPi" alive and pass it on from generation to generation.
In this tank, there are sometimes mysterious creatures that are after the "BasPi". Normally, this type of fish should be armored, but this "BasPi" is fluffy and unreliable. I have prepared some equipment for just in case. You will not be able to use them until you become an adult, but I hope that somehow you will survive the crisis with this equipment. Thank you very much.
*This story is a work of fiction.