‎Learn English ABC

‎Learn English ABC

‎Learn English ABC2.2.8手游下载Learn English easily with games.The basics of English is to learn the alphabet.You can learn Hiragana with nature by playing a simple game that only selects the displayed hiragana [A - Z] from 25 pan


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Learn English easily with games.
The basics of English is to learn the alphabet.

You can learn Hiragana with nature by playing a simple game that only selects the displayed hiragana [A - Z] from 25 panels.

How to play
■ Rule
· The hiragana displayed in the upper left becomes the hiragana to tap the current situation.
· Tap the displayed hiragana from the panel.
· It is a game where you compete for time to tap the panel up to you.
· The time to tap is the score.
· If you tap the wrong panel, time will increase with penalty.

■ Game screen display
· Score
The time it took to clear is displayed.

· Upper left panel
Please tap the same panel as the displayed hiragana from the bottom and tap.

· Lower panel
Since hiragana is displayed, please tap the corresponding hiragana panel.
Tap on the correct answer, it disappears, please erase all.

■ Game level
· Easy
The panel lined up in random of [A - Z], I tap the panel to [A - Z] of order.

· Normal
The panel lined up in order of random [A - Z], I will tap from side-by-side panel randomly [A - Z].

· Hard
The panel lined up in random of [A - Z], I will tap from side-by-side panel randomly [A - Z].

I's Free, so try.





